Election2016, Writing

Our connection is what makes us strong.

I have had the time to reconcile, contemplate, and meditate on the election results we all received last night in America. We can discuss the logistics involved in the dichotomy surrounding the Democratic and Republican parties, but I feel there is a deeper essence involved in the human experience. I can’t help but think of a story I once heard by Radanath Swami, who happens to be a major influence in my life. It goes something like this:

“Imagine the redwood forest. The trees reach toward the sky, stretching tall and thin as they grow to be hundreds of years old. Through the years they remain strong and steady even though they seem so fragile. They are able to survive the windstorms, heavy rain, and other brutal weather that comes their way. They are able to accomplish this because underneath the surface their roots are all intertwined and connected making them as strong as can be.”

Humans are no different, and we need to remain with that vision. I struggled to see this in those that have opinions vastly different than the ones I hold to be true, but not realization my connection with them makes me no different. We must ALL see eye to eye, whether you’re Republican or Democrat, Black or White, Muslim or Christian, male or female. At the core essence of our being, we are all the same. So go show that connection with love and compassion and let’s unite together.



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